


Are you prepared for an emergency? We have included a few links to help out.


Do you have a escape plan in the event of an emergency?


When Creating Your Family Fire Escape Plan:

  • Identify two ways to escape from every room in the home.
  • Practice your escape plan at least twice a year.
  • Select a safe location away from the home where your family can meet after escaping.
  • Consider purchasing and storing escape ladders for rooms above ground level and make sure to learn how to use them.
  • If you have pets, include plans for their evacuation.
  • If you see smoke or fire in your first escape route, use your second way out.
  • If you must exit through smoke, crawl low under the smoke.
  • Before escaping through a closed door, feel the door before opening it. If it is warm, use your second escape route. If smoke, heat or flames block both of your exit routes, stay in the room with the door closed. Place a rolled towel underneath the door. Signal for help by waving a brightly colored cloth or shining a flashlight at the window. If there is a telephone in the room, call the fire department and let them know your exact location inside the home.
Having an escape plan in case of fire is something every family should create and practice. Practicing the escape plan will allow you to work through any issues and solve any dilemmas that may come up as a result of the practice drills.


Are you prepared for an emergency? We have included a few links to help out.


Check out how to be prepared with READY, SET, GO!

Know the history of wildfire in your area. Long periods without rain increase the risk of wildfire. Are roads leading to your property clearly marked? Is your house number clearly visible from the roadside? Create a safety zone at least 100 feet around the house.0

Remove debris from under porches and decks.
Enclose eaves and overhangs to reduce rising heat.
Cover house vents with wire mesh.
Install spark arrestors in chimneys and stovepipes.
Choose safety glass for 窗户 and sliding glass 门.

Prepare water storage; develop an external water supply such as a small pond, well or pool. If you see a wildfire, call 9-1-1. Don’t assume that someone else has already called. Describe the location of the fire, 慢慢地、清楚地说, and answer any questions asked by the dispatcher.

Evacuate your pets and all family members. Anyone with medical or physical limitations and the young and the elderly should be evacuated early.
Wear Protective Clothing: sturdy shoes, 棉或羊毛的衣服, 长裤, 长袖衬衫, 手套, and a handkerchief to protect your face.
Remove Combustibles: Clear items that will burn from around the house, 包括木桩, 草坪家具, 烧烤架, 问题资产救助计划(tarp)的覆盖物, 等. Move them outside of your defensible space.
Close/Protect Openings: Close outside attic, 屋檐和地下室通风口, 窗户, 门, 宠物门, 等. Remove flammable drapes and curtains. Close all shutters, blinds or heavy non-combustible window coverings to reduce radiant heat.Close inside 门 and open fireplace damper.
Place a ladder against the house in clear view.

Lights: Turn on outside lights and leave a light on in every room to make the house more visible in heavy smoke. if the event is on the 1st or 3rd Saturday of the month.

Choose a route away from fire hazards. Watch for changes in the speed and direction of fire and smoke.
Notify someone when you left and where you are going.

When re-entry is permitted following an evacuation, it is typically limited to residents of the area. 为了重新进入大气层, you must provide law enforcement with proof of residency for security purposes. Proof of residency may be in the form of a government-issued I.D. 比如驾照, 帐单, or other documentation indicating the resident’s name and address.

*As stated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
** Disaster 准备 Kit specifications provided by the American Red Cross.
